back loop
1913 small sampler for repairing holes, Amsterdam housekeeping school



face/back loop

To knit you have a face loop and a back loop. By using two contrasting colours for face- and back loop row, you can easily follow the course of the yarn, especially in this example where there are partitions of face loop and back loop in one row.

By using a yarn feeder with two openings, you can knit with one feeder in two colours: the back loop in one colour and the face loop in the other colour. I used this effect for the towels for Widget and bath towels for my brand Knit-tet.

Drying towels for Knit-tet

In 2005 I won the Dutch Design award with my knitted towel for Widget.


Knitting is interlinking a series of loops made by one continuous thread so that it forms a coherent whole (constructive whole). Unlike with circular knitting, you can determine the width yourself.

On a flat-bed knitting machine the yarn, by means of a yarn feeder, is inserted into the needles and passes a needle bar from left to right and back. A bar is a metal surface with needles. On a V-bed knitting machine you have an upper- and an under bar.

Plating is a technique to produce a knit that has a different colour, or type of yarn on each side. Two different yarns are knitted at the same time. One yarn always covers the other; this is achieved by a yarn feeder with two openings.


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