mossed stones in the Vosges, France



Since the introduction of the tufting robot, producing 3 dimensional forms has become easy.

With this technique a concentric wheel determines the height of the pile to the millimetre, cut or in a loop, without having to pause/stop the production process as was necessary before the use of the robot.


I also show here the effect of using a different yarn, or the difference between a loop and a cut pile in the same pattern.


Tufting is a technique whereby a tufting needle and a tufting gun are used to prick or shoot yarn through a cloth by means of compressed air. At the back of the cloth a loop pile is formed that can be cut as well.
The pile always has to be fixed to the fabric, because you would otherwise be able to just pull the thread out again. Fixation is usually done with latex.

In robot-tufting the tufting process with the gun and the compressed air, is computer operated. The advantage is the regularity, and the possibility to vary th height of the pile during the tufting.

In 2018 Casalis won the Archi-products design award


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