Ernst Haeckel, book Kunstformen der Natur.



The book with illustrations by the German biologist was published in 1904. It is an answer to the “Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin from 1859. With the illustrations Haekel wanted to encourage an understanding of the origins of nature and their beauty.


For inspiration to make a pattern, I make collages that form the basis for the design and the colour.

Dark background, beautiful deep colours, round forms and fine details are important for the design.

The pattern is woven in Trevira CS yarn, which is a fire-retardant filament yarn. It comes in several variations from woolly to shining. In the project market (i.e.hotels and offices) the use of fire-retardant fabric is obligatory.


For weaving you need a warp and a weft. The warp is wound in one or more different colours.

Each warp thread subsequently passes through a heddle bar, an eyelet in a shaft, and then through a reed. The shafts then move up or down leaving room for the weft thread to pass through. The shafts that move the warp threads up or down determine the final pattern.

In jacquard-weaving each thread can be individually controlled (up or down) by means of a computer programme, in the past a punch card determined the pattern. De voorloper van de computer


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about industrial textile

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